Muzzles can be a fantastic tool to use during and after formal training. Unfortunately, they get a bad rap. Here are five common MYTHS about muzzles, accompanied by their corresponding truths.
Myth: Muzzles are unsafe.
Truth: A properly fit basket muzzle allows the dog to pant, eat and drink while wearing it. This makes it very safe to use.
Myth: Muzzles are mean!
Truth: A muzzle is a way to prevent a bite, which is in the best interest of everyone, most especially the dog.
Myth: People who use muzzles are just too lazy to train.
Truth: Dogs can still make mistakes or bad choices, even if they’re highly trained. They’re not robots. When you want to minimize that risk, the muzzle is a wise choice. Using a muzzle in these situations makes you responsible, not lazy.
Myth: Dogs should be taught not to bite, not forced to wear a muzzle.
Truth: See previous answer. They’re not robots, folks! We need to be realistic about our dog’s sensitivities and capabilities.
Myth: Dogs always hate muzzles.
Truth: Dogs absolutely can be taught to accept the muzzle! This process is called muzzle conditioning and it’s a gradual process, which allows a dog time to adjust to wearing one. Once properly muzzle conditioned, the muzzle isn’t a big deal.
It’s a real shame that folks are often hassled for using a muzzle because when used properly, muzzles can be excellent tools for preventing bites!