Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
City, State
Please list your top two training goals for you and your dog.
Do you have any physical limitations that impact how you care for your dog?
Dog's name
Dog's age
Dog's sex
Does your dog have any medical history that we should know about?
Is your dog on any prescription medications? If so, what for?
Is your dog housebroken?
What problems are you having with your dog? What made you decide to seek help from a trainer?
What methods have you used to try and stop unwanted behaviors?
Has your dog previously had formal training? If so, what tools (e-collar, martingale, harness, clicker, gentle leader, etc.) were used? Did anything work well?
How do you feel about correcting your dog? This is an open question and we'd like to hear whatever thoughts come to mind.
Are you willing to learn how to safely and appropriately correct your dog using the e-collar?
Note: Puppy programs do not use the e-collar; they use the prong collar as the primary communication tool.
Does your dog go on leashed walks?
Does your dog lunge at people or other dogs?
What is it like to walk your dog currently? If your dog reacts (barks/lunges/growls) to people, dogs, kids, cars, bikes, or anything else, please tell us about it.
How does your dog behave when someone enters your home? Please describe. Common behaviors include jumping, barking, rushing the door, growling, hiding, etc.
How does your dog behave with strangers? Please describe. Some common behaviors include jumping, growling, etc.
Has your dog ATTEMPTED to bite anyone (successful or not)?
Has your dog actually bitten anyone (human or dog)? If yes, please tell us the circumstances (please be specific).
Has your dog ever killed an animal? If yes, please tell us what kind of animal and the circumstances.
Dog, cat, bird, squirrel, etc.
How does your dog behave around their food, toys, and bones? Does your dog growl or bite when these items are taken away? If so, please describe how your dog behaves and which resources trigger this behavior.
What other pets does your dog live with? Are there any regular conflicts between them? Have they ever shown aggression toward each other? If so, please tell us the circumstances.
Is your dog crate trained? If not, please explain why.
Please describe your dog's behavior in the crate
Also, if your dog has a history with trouble in the crate, please use this space to share those details.
Has your dog ever broken out of a crate?
Where does your dog sleep at night?
Has your dog ever jumped a fence?
Do you currently have an invisible fence for your dog?
How does your dog behave in the car?
Is there anything in particular that your dog seems afraid of or nervous about? If so, please tell us more about that.
Is your dog sensitive to touch or handling in any way? If so, please tell us more.
Examples: Doesn't like collars grabbed or collars taken on/off, doesn't like grooming, doesn't like ears to be inspected, has trouble at the vet or groomer, etc.
How does your dog behave at the vet? Does it need to be muzzled or medicated?
Has your dog ever boarded somewhere?
Before submitting this form, please read through the FAQ page and services offered on this website. Have you read the FAQs and are familiar with the prices of the program?
Are you willing to learn how to use the prong collar and e-collar?
Anything else you'd like to share or questions you'd like to ask!